Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10 Things you should know about soccer....

1. There are a total of 11 players in the field (including the goalie) for each team

2. The field is divided in two parts: One for each team

3. The middle man wearing yellow or orange is the Referee

4. The two men outside the field with flags are the Assistant Referee's

5. Each half is 45 minutes long plus time wasted (Referee decides how much time is added in every half)

6. You can not be off sides when you are on your side of the field...

7. Yellow Card ---> Fouls and Misconduct

8. 2 Yellow Cards ---> equal a Red Card

9. Red Card -----> Expulsion from the Game

10. Penalty Kicks - Penalty kicks are done when a defended player fouls or commits handball inside the 18 yard box (commonly known as the penalty box)